6th-12th Grade Public Charter Middle & High School
Dual Enrollment courses are offered and taught by USC vetted professors
Over 99% graduation rate the past 5 years.
Rated Excellent HS on School Report card since the 2019-20 school year.
To learn more check out the "ABOUT GCA" tab

Welcome from the Principal
On behalf of Gray Collegiate Academy administration, teachers, and staff, I welcome you to a new and what I believe will be an exciting and successful school year. I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity I have been given to work with each of you. As way of introduction I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some of my theoretical and practical beliefs about children and education.
For as long as I have thought about the nature of schooling, I have held a constant picture of what I believe school should look like. I shut my eyes and I see a building filled with young people and adults engaged in teaching and learning; learning that is connected and meaningful. The work has a purpose unique and valuable to each of those involved but it is also valued as a process. Methodology is varied; it reflects the nature of the learner and of the content. A variety of resources are abundant, steeped in primary source with the textbook used only sparingly. Assessments are meaningful and authentic. Grades earned are "Mastery" or "Not Yet". In this school, the building is alive with activity from early morning until well into the evening. Students leave well prepared to pursue meaningful life goals; but just as importantly, they leave with a sense of self, a thinking self, confident of continued learning and growth. In my mind's eye school is a living, growing place where children and adults want to be present and involved.
In the practical I believe in the 3 R's. Reading, writing and mathematics must be mastered by each child in order for them to experience success as they continue their education. But, the 3R's I am referring to are RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY AND RIGOR. I believe these 3R's provide the essential foundation upon which a well-rounded education is built. A mutual RESPECT must exist between each teacher and student; the teacher for his or her abilities and skills and student for his and her uniqueness and abilities. RESPONSIBILITY is shared by all; teacher must teach with deliberation and thoughtfulness and students must work with consistency every day to the best of his or her ability. And, RIGOR must be threaded though each lesson, activity, and assessment; teachers must demand and expect high expectations from each and every student and each student must demand high expectations from his or herself.
With this foundation, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, AND RIGOR, I believe together we will build a school where each child will excel and where both adults and children will indeed want to be present and involved.
I am grateful to begin my eighth year at Gray Collegiate Academy and look forward to a wonderful school year.
Please visit at your convenience and let me know if I can ever assist you.
Dr. Brian Newsome, Principal